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An advanced and lightweight wrapper around the Brawl Stars API

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An advanced API wrapper for the Brawl Stars API.


  • Written in Typescript.
  • Supports both ES modules and CommonJS.


yarn add brawlstats
# or npm install brawlstats
# or pnpm add brawlstats


With ESM

import { Client } from 'brawlstats';
const client = new Client({
* Your Brawl Stars API key.
* @defaults to the environment variable `BRAWLSTARS_TOKEN`
token: 'your-api-key'

// get a player
const player = await client.players.fetch('#22QJ0JPVJ');
// or a club
const club = await client.clubs.fetch('#XYZ');
// or events rotation
const events = await client.rotation.get();
// or all brawlers available in the game
const brawlers = client.brawlers;

With CJS

const { Client } = require('brawlstats');
const client = new Client({
* Your Brawl Stars API key.
* @defaults to the environment variable `BRAWLSTARS_TOKEN`
token: 'your-api-key'
})(async () => {
// get a player
const player = await client.players.fetch('#22QJ0JPVJ');
// or a club
const club = await client.clubs.fetch('#XYZ');
// or events rotation
const events = await client.rotation.get();
// or all brawlers available in the game
const brawlers = client.brawlers;
